Published onMarch 31, 2022Remix & Relaygraphqlremixreact-routerreactrelayLearn about the tradeoffs of colocating your data requirements vs using route loaders. How can we achieve the best DX with Relay and Remix?
Published onFebruary 28, 2022Loading UX w/ Relay FragmentsreactsuspenserelayLearn how to show better fallbacks while your React components are suspending with useDeferredValue
Published onMarch 20, 2021Server Side Rendering Relay with Next.js & gqlgeninfrastructuredockerdocker-composenodejsnextjsrelaygqlgengraphqlLearn how to setup an E2E GraphQL Application using Next.js, gqlgen, and Relay. We'll create a development environment in Docker + Docker Compose and make a basic todo list